How To Fill Your Well

And how doing so can lead you closer to who you truly are.

Danielle Kloberdanz
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)


Photo by Sheri Hooley on Unsplash

Filling our own well is essential. Not only do we need to recharge our batteries regularly in order to meet the daily demands placed upon us, it’s also essential if we want to create positive changes in our lives, and can even help us to awaken our true self.

If we take filling our own well seriously, it will create a greater sense of well-being and will also lead us to uncover more authentic parts of ourselves. The key to our authentic self, to discovering who we truly are beyond our fears and false beliefs, is to follow a path of true inspiration. When we do so, we shift from surviving to thriving.

I prefer a gentle approach to this process, which allows us to weave this practice easily into our current life, with a greater chance of lasting positive effects. I’ve done so myself and it has turned my life from feeling disillusioned with few options, into feeling much more fulfilled and excited about the many possibilities my future still holds for me.

The current quarantine situation might limit us in what we can pursue right now, but this is a great time to find out how we’d like to fill our own well and get onto a path of true inspiration once the economy opens back up.

There are four steps to help you create a life with more inspiration and fulfillment, leading you closer to living more authentically.

  1. Find Solitude.

Solitude is essential for tuning into your inner compass, your intuitive voice, so you can sense what’s there without distractions from the outside world. You might have to get creative to carve out some time and find a quiet space for yourself. Make sure you are not distracted by your phone, computer or TV. This is the time to shift away from the world of social media and other outlets, which might make us feel there’s something wrong with our lives or even with us, onto sensing what it is we personally want to increase, decrease or pursue in our lives. Only you know what truly inspires you.

2. Create Your Why Not List.

Make a list of things that you always wanted to do, are curious about, are inspired by, or used to enjoy when you were younger. The greatest challenge of this exercise is the censorship of your mind. Be completely honest with yourself and ignore your inner critic. Write everything down and don’t judge anything on your list. Simply tell yourself Why Not? Know that letting go of your fear of judgment is a major part of uncovering your authentic self. Keep adding to your list over time.

3. Pursue

The next step is to find a small, easy to do item on your list and pursue it. This will help you manage those fears about judgments a bit easier and will create some short term successes. When you first start fulfilling items on your list, it might feel uncomfortable and unsettling, but it gets easier over time. Make time for yourself to fill your own well and do things from your list. If this is difficult, try scheduling it like an appointment on your calendar.

Photo by Ana Tavares on Unsplash

4. Keep Track

I highly recommend writing down your successes. Keeping a journal is a great way to do this. This way you’ll have a track record with dates to see your progress. During moments of doubt, you can look back and see some of your past successes to help motivate you with your next pursuit of inspiration.

If you are looking to increase your level of inspiration and fulfillment, I encourage you to try my suggestions. They have worked for me and can do the same for you. This process takes time and patience, but you might be amazed at how quickly you can experience a positive shift when you pursue just a small activity from your list. This is because the biggest shift happens in our mind, allowing us to move beyond our fears and limiting mindsets that might have held us back in the past. When we start filling our own well with what truly inspires us, we become more open minded about our possibilities and future. Over time, the life we live is closer aligned with who we authentically are.

I’d love to hear how you fill your well and the effect this has on you. What’s on your list?

Stay inspired!

